Friday, March 02, 2007

last night i got to go to an area called "canal 58" where david and becky began a bible study a couple of years ago. my favorite part, of course, was getting to play with a bunch of kids in the street for an hour or two. someone once told me that we feel most alive when we are doing what we are created to do (glorify God) in the way He created us to do that. for me, it's loving on kids, and i can't put into words just how alive that makes me feel. God has so richly blessed me and it is such a privelege to get to share His love with these precious children. the following are just a few of the pictures we took. once i got my camera out, all the older girls (12 or 13 years old) wanted to take tons and tons of pictures. so, i let them (tho the whole "smile for the picture" thing hasn't worked out too well)! hope you enjoy the pics even a fraction as much as i enjoyed the kids!

of course, i loved ALL the kids, but these were two of my favorites!

self portraits are difficult, but they love them!

how can you NOT fall in love with her??

too precious for words. Alejandro, age 2

so, if she was smiling this would be a great picture! alejandro loved being hung upside down!
the boys in the back are actually eating huge marshmallows...quite popular here!
she's going to be trouble when she gets a lil older! but for now she's just pure cuteness!
for some reason these boys thought my name was really fun to say...all night i kept hearing "KIMBERLY!!!" from the peanut gallery here. it was pretty entertaining.


Anonymous said...

so i am going to marry alejandro. i know the age difference is wierd now, but later, it wont matter.

haha. he is adorable. and so are the rest of the kids. and so are you.

i love you and miss you.
