Wednesday, December 13, 2006

I'm an aunt!

Yesterday I officially became an aunt to two beautiful children! And no, neither of my sisters has had any kids! Coleman and Caroline, my nephew and niece, along with their parents Curtis and Michelle, were in my small group at Orientation. One of the greatest aspects of my time in training was the relationships I was able to build. Our group of 239 truly felt like one big family and more than anything else about orientation, I will miss those people. As missionaries, we learn to leave our own families behind and to become family to one another, for we are able to understand one another in ways that no one else can because we experience so much together. My favorite part though is that I get to be an aunt and experience the blessing that is! Below are a few pictures of Coleman and Caroline, as well as a few other pictures from our last few days at FPO (Field Personnel Orientation). Enjoy!

Coleman, me and Caroline

Caroline, quite possibly the most beautiful little girl ever! How can you not smile when you see her??

Caroline attached to my leg...where she seemed to spend quite a bit of time! One of her favorite things to do was to sneak up behind me, or run down the hallway toward me, grab onto my leg and say "This time, I got you first!" In fact, even when I went to say goodbye to her tonight, she said "one more time...(ran and grabbed me)...i got you first!"

Some of my friends and I with "Uncle Elbert," the director of our training.

We decided it would be fun to jump in the fountain last night as one last fun was only cold for the first minute or so....then we lost feeling in our legs!
Our small group, sans kids, at the reception after commissioning this afternoon.
Megan, Haley, and I celebrating at the Cheesecake Factory tonight.
My "little" sister, Mallory and I
Goodbyes were certainly not easy, but my time in Rockville will not soon be forgotten and the friends and family I made will forever be in my heart. Though there are many I will not see again this side of heaven, I cannot wait to see what God will do through them! Between the 239 of us, we are going out to 89 different people groups. How exciting! The Lord is moving in huge ways and we are so blessed to be a part of His work. Thank you all so much for your prayers!


adrianhitt said...

i think you're the most beautimous missionary i've ever seen! <3 me