For the first time in about 4 years I got to spend Father's Day with my dad! And to make it even better, I also got to spend it with my grandfather! It was quite a day. We decided to take a "few" pictures. Haha!
"America's Next Top Model" here we come!
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Father's Day
Posted by Kimberly at 6:39 PM 1 comments
Mallory had a graduation party at the park one night. Since Em and I didn't really know many people there, we amused ourselves by taking lots and lots of pictures. Shocking, huh?
Dad and I got to do one of our favorite things one afternoon...we went to the shooting range!
Dad insisted upon taking pictures at the airport at 5:30 in the morning before I left.
Posted by Kimberly at 5:56 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
trip to the states!
on sunday i returned to guadalajara after almost 3 weeks in the US. i had a great trip and was so blessed to get to spend time with family and friends. it was my first time to visit my family since they moved to Ohio last summer and it was fun to finally get to see their new house, town, church, etc. we also got to go to Virginia for a few days, so i was able to see lots of friends there. and to top it all off, my aunt and grandfather got to come up from Miami for a few days. when i flew back the other day, i had almost 4 hours in the dallas airport, so i played around with photoshop and a few of the pictures from my trip. here are the ones i edited a bit. i'll post more pictures from my trip soon!
we took plenty of silly sister self-portraitsof course, i had to stop by wawa while we were in stafford!
em and i drove out to the lake in stafford one afternoon
my "little" sister's high school graduation. hard to believe!
since emily and i really didn't know anyone at mal's graduation party, we entertained ourselves with the camera. :)
dad and i went to the shooting range one afternoon. so much fun!
i went to chick-fil-a the very first day i was in the states (and several days after that!). it was just as wonderful as i remembered!
my sisters and i with our friend, chris, at the senior banquet we went to virginia for.
Posted by Kimberly at 12:47 PM 0 comments