just some pictures from the past few weeks. enjoy!my sweet Ulysses is getting SO BIG!
this is Fernanda. (for those of you who remember, she is the one who got hit by the car this summer). isn't she precious??
Izzy was lovin the kush ball...and her brothers and sisters!
all tuckered out on her first afternoon at home. thanks for the rope toy aunt cindy!
SO EXCITED that i found MOUNTAIN DEW at the import store!!!!! it is the first time i've ever found it anywhere here. WOOHOO!!!
Omar is a lil crazy, but so fun. he was havin a blast w/ the remnants of the pinata.
Ulysses and Cristian were lovin the moon bounce!
Gustavo is growing so fast! he's running all over the place already!
this was a couple of weeks ago before I brought Izzy home. she loves that bear!
"Noche Mexicana" at the student center. We celebrated Mexican Independence Day and had a great time!
it seems that, no matter what country you are in, this is what happens when you ask guys to take a picture for you. lol.
i'm so mexican, aren't i? ;)
this is one of those "only in mexico...." moments. some friends and i were walking to the bus stop one evening and came across this scene. a minivan pulling a trailer full of girls dressed in Mariachi costumes, dancing to loud music and tossing out pens, highlighters, tshirts and balloons to advertise a cell phone company. gotta love it!
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
the past few weeks...(i'm so not great with catch titles!)
Posted by Kimberly at 10:49 AM 1 comments
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Puppy Love!
meet isabella (aka izzy). she is a 4 week old cockerspaniel puppy and in just a few short weeks she will be coming home with me! she is just too precious! she and her 6 brothers and sisters currently live with the family i work with, so i get to see her almost every day between now and then. enjoy the pics!
oh, you know she loved the being in the bowl. haha. she is very patient for pictures!"can i get out now?"
she looks slightly mischevious here, but dont be fooled!
she does love to chew on fingers...i will definitely be getting her a good supply of chew toys and bones!
she loves to take naps, even (especially?) sprawled out on her back
she also LOVES to cuddle. she is the perfect dog!
Posted by Kimberly at 10:24 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
long time, no update. but whats new, right? much has happened since i last updated. we had our annual meeting of mexico missionaries in Leon at the end of July, my friend Christa from my OBU days arrived to study here in GDL for the semester at the beginning of August, we started school in the middle of the month, then i returned to the states for a couple of weeks at the end of August to visit my grandmother who was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer a few weeks ago. it has been a busy 6 weeks or so since i last updated, but good (even if a bit trying at times). since a picture is worth a thousand words (and certainly more fun) i will just catch you up with pictures. sorry they're not really in any order. :)
i LOVE chicken and dumplins and enjoyed them so much while i was in the states!
my sweet Ulysses!
and more!
my mom and sister and i
me and my Nanny :)
mal and i w/ our nanny
i was excited to be driving in the states again!
dad and i entertained ourselves by taking self portraits
more entertainment
we had a lil trouble w/ this self portrait....i'm not really sure at all what is up w/ our faces. all i know is we laughed, a lot!
quite possibly the most redneck campaign sign i've ever seen!
so, laura and i had some friends over and they asked us to teach them to "dance country" haha. so laura taught us all the tush push. i will hopefully get a video up soon!
we also introduced them to dr. pepper. they weren't fans! so shocking!!
David and Becky's dog, Bella, had puppies! 7 of them! they are so fun and so precious!
i was SO EXCITED to go to target when i got to miami!
christa and i went out to lake chapala one day....
we also went horseback riding!
i got a lil sunburned at the lake! oops!
super cute puppies!
more of the silliness w/ the girls. we had an all out sleepover....pizza, brownies and ice cream, girl talk, chick flicks and so much more! :)
laura and i were SO EXCITED to find canned biscuits and crescent rolls and cinnamon rolls at walmart!!!
dontcha just love the pinatas? we do!
Susy and i took christa to the flower market, one of our favorite places.
we also went to the VIP theater. so nice!
we started a new ministry in El Tizate. precious kids.
Posted by Kimberly at 10:02 PM 0 comments